Laser Hair Removal

LASER Hair Removal is the most effective way to permanently remove hair for men and women. Skin is left beautifully smooth and hair free, it can be life changing for those who struggle with unwanted hair.

At Rebecca Devine Aesthetics we use the latest, advanced medical grade LASER Hair Removal system. It works by delivering a sequence of low energy pulses that accumulate in the hair follicle, achieving a high enough combined energy level to destroy the hair follicle while leaving the skin cool and undamaged. With each session approximately 50 % of the volume of hair in the current cycle of growth is lost. 6 sessions is recommended. Hair is permanently removed and skin is left silky smooth. Both Ian and Rebecca can personally testify to the efficacy of the treatment and are excited to be able to offer it to our clients.

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Hair Removal

1 Session


Hair Removal

1 Session

3 Sessions


Hair Removal

1 Session

4 Sessions


Hair Removal

1 Session

6 Sessions



Face - £150



1 session - £150


4 Sessions - £750

2 Sessions - £750

6 Sessions - £750

3 Sessions - £750



Tummy - £50



1 session - £50


4 Sessions - £250

2 Sessions - £250

6 Sessions - £250

3 Sessions - £250



Arm - £150



1 session - £150


4 Sessions - £750

2 Sessions - £750

6 Sessions - £750

3 Sessions - £750

Arm (half)


Arm (half) - £100

Arm (half)


1 session - £100


4 Sessions - £500

2 Sessions - £500

6 Sessions - £500

3 Sessions - £500



Underarm - £80



1 session - £80


4 Sessions - £300

2 Sessions - £300

6 Sessions - £300

3 Sessions - £300



Bikini - £80



1 session - £80


4 Sessions - £300

2 Sessions - £300

6 Sessions - £300

3 Sessions - £300



Brazilian - £150



1 session - £150


4 Sessions - £750

2 Sessions - £750

6 Sessions - £750

3 Sessions - £750



Hollywood - £150



1 session - £150


4 Sessions - £750

2 Sessions - £750

6 Sessions - £750

3 Sessions - £750



Leg - £400



1 session - £400


4 Sessions - £2000

2 Sessions - £2000

6 Sessions - £2000

3 Sessions - £2000

Leg (Half)


Leg (Half) - £200

Leg (Half)


1 session - £200


4 Sessions - £1000

2 Sessions - £1000

6 Sessions - £1000

3 Sessions - £1000



Back - £250



1 session - £250


4 Sessions - £1250

2 Sessions - £1250

6 Sessions - £1250

3 Sessions - £1250

Back (half)


Back (half) - £175

Back (half)


1 session - £175


4 Sessions - £875

2 Sessions - £875

6 Sessions - £875

3 Sessions - £875



Chest - £250



1 session - £250


4 Sessions - £1250

2 Sessions - £1250

6 Sessions - £1250

3 Sessions - £1250



Shoulders - £100



1 session - £100


4 Sessions - £500

2 Sessions - £500

6 Sessions - £500

3 Sessions - £500

Tummy (male)


Tummy (male) - £100

Tummy (male)


1 session - £100


4 Sessions - £500

2 Sessions - £500

6 Sessions - £500

3 Sessions - £500

Full body (female)


Full body (female) - £760

Full body (female)


1 session - £760


4 Sessions - £3800

2 Sessions - £3800

6 Sessions - £3800

3 Sessions - £3800

Full body (male)


Full body (male) - £1000

Full body (male)


1 session - £1000


4 Sessions - £5000

2 Sessions - £5000

6 Sessions - £5000

3 Sessions - £5000

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After Care for Laser Hair Removal

The following aftercare advice is essential to help reduce the risk of treatment complications, to improve your comfort/healing and to help achieve the best possible results from treatment. The treated area of skin may feel slightly tender and appear red and swollen afterwards. Your skin’s appearance may be similar to mild sunburn. These effects will resolve naturally and should be much improved after 48 hours but may take longer to settle. If you are concerned at any stage about the healing process you must contact your practitioner. • Keep the area clean and dry for 48 hours after treatment. • You can apply a cold pack on the treated area to reduce pain, discomfort or irritation. • Do apply aloe vera gel for 3 days after the treatment to soothe the skin. You can also use a gentle moisturising cream. • Do wear loose clothes to avoid friction on the treated area for 48 hours. • Avoid any perfumes, fake tan or other harsh chemicals for 72 hours after treatment. • Avoid any makeup for 48 hours after treatment as this can increase the risk of infection. • Avoid rubbing, picking or scratching the treated area, especially if the area has crusted because this may increase the risk of scarring. • Avoid shaving the treated area for 72 hours after treatment. • Avoid waxing, tweezing and threading for the complete duration of the treatment course. • Avoid any skin exfoliation for 72 hours following treatment. • Avoid any products that contain alpha hydroxy acids, retinol, and glycolic acid for at least 7 days after treatment. • Avoid strenuous exercise, saunas, sunbeds and exposure to heat for 72 hours after treatment. These can cause sweating which can irritate the delicate skin and slow down your ability to heal quickly. Reduction of UV light exposure will also help reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin). • Avoid swimming for 72 hours after treatment. • Avoid any excess alcohol or caffeine for 48 hours after treatment. • Wear SPF 50 or greater sunscreen for at least 2 weeks following treatment as your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight afterwards. • You must seek medical attention and contact your practitioner if you experience any signs or symptoms of infection after treatment. Infection can present as hot, red shiny skin • You must contact your practitioner as soon as possible if you notice any other unwanted side effects. • Your practitioner will advise when further treatment appointments are required. 

what our clients have to say


After having my back and shoulders waxed for years I took the plunge and had LASER hair removal at Rebecca Devine Aesthetics. This was something that always caused me embarrassment and after two sessions I can already see a huge difference. I am excited to finish the course and see the end result. My skin is already smooth and hair free and I am very happy. I was made to feel extremely comfortable through the treatment.

-- Simon


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